Artist books
photo by Maria Nalbantova
2018 | Winter Landscape
nylon net, styrofoam balls, herbarium
20 pages, 20 х 30 cm
“Winter Landscape” is a book-object. When looking through the book, the transparency of the net reminiscents the falling snow that is accumulating on the emerging and disappearing dry flowers throughout the pages. The work was a part of the Maria Nalbantova's solo exhibition „Weather Report“ in 2018 at Vaska Emanouilova Gallery, Sofia, curated by Daniela Radeva
photo by Maria Nalbantova
2017 | POP-UP PAST
digital print, cardboard, glue, handmade
Object Pop-up Book
variable dimensions, max. 68 x 28 x 19 cm
The interpretation of the photo book “Forget Your Past” by Nikola Mihov, keeps its original format, but it being transformed into a new project called “ReForget your past“ with the help of the pop-up elements as a reminiscent of the children’s books from the recent past. The work is part of the exhibition „ReForget Your Past“, Synthesis Gallery, Sofia, curated by Nikola Mihov
photo by Dimitar Variysky
2016 | Black Bears for White Days / White Bears for Black Days
Pop-up author picture book digital print, glue, canvas 26 pages, 22 х 22 сm, limited edition set of 90 books, handmade
An original Bulgarian proverb is used in the title, if literally translated in English, it reads: white money for black days meaning saving for hard times. The wordgame is the key concept of the book, where some words in different Bulgarian proverbs are being replaced with black and white bears.
photo by Maria Nalbantova
2015 | Dreambear (Намечкание)
Author picture book
digital print, glue
24 pages, 31 x 22 х 22 сm,
limited edition set
Author’s book containing 12 Bulgarian folk proverbs and sayings. Each one is correctly transmitted, and the main protagonist is the bear. The illustration uses textual signs and turns them into picture material.